Trusting God in Financial Hardships: Darius’s Story of Faith
“Faith First: Darius's Crossroads Moment” - God First Anointed Apparel

Darius’s apartment was quiet, almost too quiet. The kind of quiet that comes when the electricity has been cut off. His kids were at their aunt’s house for the night, and he sat alone in the dim light of a dying phone battery, staring at a stack of unopened bills.
The weight of it all was suffocating. Losing hours at work had been a blow, but he hadn’t expected to fall this far behind so quickly. Rent was overdue, the fridge was nearly empty, and now the lights were out. He rubbed his hands over his face, feeling the sting of tears he refused to let fall.
His phone buzzed a message from his cousin: “Got a job for you. Quick money, no stress. Let me know.”
Darius knew what that meant, and it wasn’t the kind of work he wanted to get involved in again. But the thought of his kids coming home to no lights and no food was unbearable. He clenched the phone in his hand, his heart pounding as desperation fought with conviction.
Then, almost instinctively, his mother’s voice echoed in his mind: “Baby, remember Matthew 6:33: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Trust Him first, and watch what He does.”
The words stung because he knew she was right. But trust felt hard in the face of an empty fridge and unpaid rent. He bowed his head and whispered, “Lord, I don’t know how You’ll fix this, but I’m choosing to trust You. Help me to put You first, even when it feels impossible.”
Darius stood, grabbed his car keys, and decided to hit the rideshare app again. It wouldn’t solve everything tonight, but it was honest work, and it was a step in trusting God to provide.